Why this name and its meaning? The name of FWUL has a simple reason. I wanted to have something where I were able to point users to when they came with issues on Windows because the most problems around were solvable when using Linux.
Aug 20, 2015 Download android x86 4 3 iso 3 2 rc2 eeepc Android-x86-2.2-r2-asus_laptop.iso View: Android-x86 2.2-r2 live & installation iso for ASUS laptopstablets Nov 23, 2011, 4:41 AM: Chih-Wei Huang. Xda-developers Android Development and Hacking Android Software and Hacking General [Developers Only] [LIVE-ISO][FWUL][STABLE] adb/fastboot without any installation.
And so the generic answer I gave those were exactly what FWUL means today. The only issue with Linux (even with Ubuntu, Mint and such) is that they not include what an Android user needs. You still have to issue commands to install and you have to make other adjustments like udev rules etc. Nothing a 'normal' Windows user can do without guidelining. So I started FWUL. And because I had this above in mind its named like this.
For those not familiar with the above: do you have ever thought. Or do you just wanna support someone who is using Windows and having issues?
Of course you have re-installed the drivers of your phone's vendor. Of course you have re-downloaded the newest one from the the vendor's homepage as well. Of course you checked other drivers and uninstalled and rebooted hundreds of times. Of course it still does not work!
This is where this Live ISO should help you out. That's completely normal because you're still using that OS named Windows. An OS which you (should) have paid for.
(Did you know that? - Linux is free!). An OS which is known to spy out his users - by default (Did you know that? - Linux won't!).
An OS where updating and upgrading annoying you more and more (Did you know that? - Linux can be simply upgraded even between major versions!) (. Well that's your choice but maybe now is a good time to think about alternatives.) On Linux we do not have such phone driver issues (there are others but forget about that now). The main purpose of this ISO is to give you a quick and just working start to use the standard Android tools like adb and fastboot with ease. No driver hassle. No complicated installation of android tools.
Remote support tool (teamviewer) can be installed with a double click. Just download, flash and enjoy FWUL is just the way it should be. As time goes by the features grow so even when FWUL started as just an adb/fastboot ISO it can now provide you more then that. It has been enhanced to include all tools useful when it comes to using Android with your PC, flashing tools like JOdin (Samsung) or LGLAF (LG) are just some examples - check out the feature list! Project status Rock stable well. And: it could influence you sooner or later and you may never want to go back to your Windows. Features Based on the amazing Arch Linux Also checkout the detailed main features here:.
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Windows 10 Theme for you my Windows lovers. fast, stable and the most current Android debug experience you will ever get! It just works.
Multi-Language support (If you miss your language ). adb and fastboot preinstalled and ready to use (thx for the amazing ). simple ADB tool - a GUI for adb/fastboot (thx ). full MTP support.
full PTP support. persistent mode (since FWUL v2.0). Teamviewer (TV) installer!
If you need it just install it by simply starting the installer in the Desktop. + removed all docs + man pages keeping that ISO at small size. JOdin (Java based version of Odin for Samsung devices). hexchat to get support.
heimdall (GUI/CLI tool for Samsung devices). Installer for Sony Flashtool.
Installer for spflashtool for MediaTek devices. If you find something is not working!. The tool to get shell access for unbricking LG phones. Full support (since v1-1): - 512 MB RAM for the VM is the lowest recommended (you may fail to use any installer though but adb and fastboot will work out of the box and would even work with less) - 2+ GB RAM for the VM is recommended - you have to download and install the for full USB support - keep in mind: Even running in a VM is supported you will have best performance and best user experience when running from DVD/USB-Stick instead Installation. Download. Either.
Burn it to a DVD (very stable and easy but slowest in boot). Or flash it to an USB stick (very stable and easy and CAN be the fastest - it depends on your USB stick speed. If you use a slow USB stick its slow right?!). Or connect it in your VirtualBox VM (read FAQ #4 for the persistent mode option if you want to use it there as well) For flashing to an USB stick I would recommend rufus but any of those should work.
Quote: Originally Posted by richie16171 (hint: I extended the guide from richie with all URLs and UUI and other stuff) Using Rufus is a multi-purpose USB iso writer. Simply select the the USB drive, the FWUL ISO/IMG, select DD mode and click start. Since Rufus does not care if the drive is properly formatted or not and provides a GUI it may be the easiest and most robust tool to use. For a guide with screenshots look here: Using This method does not require any workaround and is as straightforward as dd under Linux.
Just download the FWUL ISO/IMG, and with local administrator rights use the USBwriter utility to write to your USB flash memory. Using Simply choose the FWUL ISO or IMG file, your Flash Drive and click Install. Using win32diskimager is another graphical USB iso writing tool for Windows. Simply select your ISO or IMG file and the target USB drive letter (you may have to format it first to assign it a drive letter), and click Write.
Quote: then add a new VM in VirtualBox with the FWUL ISO connected - 512 MB RAM for the VM is the lowest possible (you may fail to use any installer though but adb and fastboot will work out of the box) but it would even work with less. Not that smoothly of course and when you install things you will get out of space easily.
2+ GB RAM for the VM is recommended. The more the better but if you have issues with RAM but when you have enough free disk space instead you can use the persistent mode with VirtualBox!. Boot FWUL. Login with username/password: android / linux. Open the terminal application (at the bottom the black small window or open the 'Windows' menu and choose from there).
type in: adb devices or fastboot devices or open the simple-adb GUI (desktop). Download XDA had problems in the past regarding file upload. So I decided to choose AndroidFileHost as our primary download server from now on. XDA will always have the latest forgeful ISO at least but for a complete set AFH has them all. Main Download Server:. persistent mode ( read ):.
forgetful mode ( read ): Download Mirror (XDA). Note: This mirror may not contain all files but it will have the latest stable forgetful ISO at least!. Go to the in this post Nightlies: Note: These builds happen on a scheduled base and so most likely are completely untested and unsupported but the most current you can get: Support / IRC Channel IRC means Internet Relay Chat and you will get best support there only. Choose how to get in:. PC ( and are only 2 of them!
This list is not complete!). Android (, are only a few of them! This list is not complete!). Web (,).
When you have to choose a channel it is: #carbonfusion-user. When you be asked for a server network choose: freenode Changelog See Post #2 Known Issues. All issues can be found at the. If you find an issue at the github issue tracker FAQ See Credits.
The whole for the best Linux experience ever. www.androidfilehost.com for mirror our files without any costs. for the amazing list of android udev rules.
AdamOutler for creating. @mhashem6 for!. @ for XDA:DevDB Information FWUL - Forget Windows Use Linux - an adb/fastboot ISO, Tool/Utility for all devices (see above for details) Contributors Source Code: Version Information Status: Stable Current Stable Version: 2.3 Stable Release Date: 2017-09-23 Created 2016-12-27 Last Updated 2017-12-15. FWUL1-4x86-64.iso Released: 2017-05-03 Download: Go to the Download section in the Full Changelog: All closed issues for this release: see the Hint: the main reason for the increased ISO size compared to v1.3 is missing qt libs etc. There is a package missing which will be included in the next build. You can still use Beta-3 when you do this after booting (The procedure has to be repeated on every boot):.
click on the WiFi you want to connect to. Nothing will happen but it is needed for the next step.
FWUL included tools & installers Here you find some explanations / usage information for FWUL Quick overview:. Quickly open a terminal or the firefox web browser via icons in the panel. An easy access to identify your current FWUL version is a double click on the Welcome icon. To open your Download folder or accessing other local files just double click on the Home icon Installers FWUL itself includes many stuff but not everything is useful for everyone. Besides this I try to keep the size of ISO/IMG not growing too much and last but not least I need to avoid licensing issues when delivering software. This is where the installers steps in. Those Installers are little programs written by me to install all requirements needed with just a double click.
SP Flash Tools by MediaTek Inc. Is a tool to manage all MediaTek devices out there (Example Guide: ). LG LAF auth: authenticates a device before connecting (use that one if no-auth hasn't worked for you LG LAF no-auth: just opens a LAF shell without authenticating LG LAG NG: opens a local terminal in the lglafng folder (an enhanced version of the original LG LAF tool by Peter).
You have to use sudo python2 here (e.g. Sudo python2 lglaf.py). Homepage: FWUL LivePatcher should be just an easy way to solve smaller bugs without the need to reinstall the whole IMG. So don't expect to update an existing v2 to a new v3! Major releases will require a full re-flash This is just for hotfixing known issues. Check out how it works. (12th May 2017), (4th May 2017), (18th November 2017), (17th June 2017), (3rd June 2017), (13th September 2017), (26th November 2017), (19th May 2017), (29th May 2017), (4th May 2017), (18th June 2017), (4th July 2017), (16th July 2017), (4th May 2017), (4th May 2017), (4th May 2017), (12th September 2017), (27th March 2017), (24th November 2017), (26th January 2017), (13th September 2017), (4th May 2017), (4th February 2018), (8th May 2017), (10th February 2018), (19th August 2017), (11th September 2017).
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Secure boot message When booting up you may see a message like: Unauthorized changes detected Or Secure boot error Or similar. This is the windows secure boot detection which should avoid malware to boot. As FWUL is unknown to Microsoft (shame on them ) you get prompted. Please try this to enable FWUL to boot:.
Can I install FWUL permanently? Can I dual boot FWUL?.
Can I save my changes in FWUL? Like a persistent mode in Ubuntu can do? Yes when using the persistent mode image (since FWUL v2.0).
What is forgetful mode and/or persistent mode? FWUL v2 comes with many improvements and fixes but there is 1 really major improvement: persistent mode.
Android 3.2 Honeycomb
From now on you have two options to use FWUL:. a so called ' forgetful' mode.
and a ' persistent' mode. Forgetful mode works like in previous versions - so when you boot FWUL, install packages (e.g. Sony Flashtool) and then reboot you will start from scratch. If you need e.g. Sony Flashtool again you have to install it again.
That's the general nature of a live ISO. Using the ISO works in VirtualBox without modifications like the persistent mode requires. The good: you can test and install whatever you want just to find out if it would work for you or not. If you damage the system just reboot and you have a clean start again. The bad: you have to re-install everything again when you reboot FWUL persistent mode like forgetful but if you boot in persistent mode all your changes (e.g.
Installing software, set language.) are preserved on next boot! Just create your own version of FWUL with all tools and stuff you need and next time you boot all is here! Besides this the persistent image also contains a forgetful mode so if you need a clean working experience just select the forgetful mode on boot screen. The persistent mode requires(!) an USB stick and you have to download the FWUL persistent ZIP of your choice! FWUL persistent comes in 3 sizes (this may change silently in the future!):. 8 GB (min 8 GB USB stick) - hosted on AFH only!.
15 GB (min 16 GB USB stick) - recommended. 30 GB (min 32 GB USB stick) - hosted on AFH only! You can use any bigger stick but keep in mind that flashing FWUL on that stick will make the rest of the stick unusable (until you re-format/partition it). You can not use any smaller stick for persistent mode. 8 GB is the smallest available if you want to run FWUL persistent.
If you have a smaller USB stick then 8 GB you can still flash FWUL in forgetful mode! So what does those sizes mean and which one you should use? The size defines the space preserved to save all your changes. Lets say you install TeamViewer then the whole installation will go to this hidden space. If you download big files and save them in FWUL they go there as well. On the opposite deleting packages or files will clean that space.
The persistent storage cannot be re-sized (easily) so when it is out-of-space you have to uninstall packages and/or delete downloaded files. In general the 8 GB will work for the most without any issues but if you can choose the 15 GB version which gives you some more extra room just for the case.
Update Android 3.2 Tablet To 4.0
Android-x86 3.2-RC2 (Honeycomb-x86). The Android-x86 project is glad to announce 3.2-RC2 release to public. This is a release candidate for android-x86 3.2 stable release. Live CD ISOs are available from our sites, as usual.
Key Features The test build is based on the Android 3.2.2. We fixed and added many x86 specified code to let the system runs smoothly on x86 platforms, especially for netbooks or tablets. The key features contain. Kernel 3.0.1 with KMS enabled. Most netbooks can run Android-x86 in the native resolution.
OpenGL hardware acceleration for Intel and AMD Radeon chipsets. You may disable it by adding HWACCEL=0 to the cmdline if you have trouble to enable hardware acceleration.
Wifi and multitouch support. A text based GUI installer which supports ext3/ext2/ntfs/fat32 filesystems. The installer supports read-write mode, as well as a tool to create a fake sdcard.
External usb drive and sdcard are auto mounted on plugging. Add software mouse cursor.
Mouse wheel is also supported. Compressed filesystem (squashfs). Released Files We create targets optimized for different x86 platforms. Choose a suitable image for your platform. android-x86-3.2-RC2-amdbrazos.iso for AMD Brazos platform, like MSI 110W. Sha1sum: e11a2e92819ff4d9257accd97f9b53. android-x86-3.2-RC2-eeepc.iso for ASUS Eee PC family sha1sum: e69f4f38c8ab62e99773a76cf3a93039f4fe5832.
android-x86-3.2-RC2-asuslaptop.iso for some ASUS Laptops/Tablets sha1sum: 9644cb2ab066f06203b9324416d7c5. android-x86-3.2-RC2-tegav2.iso for Tegav2 / Viewpad 10 sha1sum: b587f0ff95cd158bbb7a4c704a4efac9aefd42a8 Known issues. Camera and bluetooth don't work.
Not support Ethernet. Suspend and resume doesn't work on some targets.
Source code The source code is available in the main.