ROADS. Road Type Manager to create your own road types or import / adjust road type presets. Customizable road width, road materials. Random road smoothness adjustable per marker for a natural realistic look. Angle Threshold for optimized low poly roads with minimal loss of detail in curves. Automatially follow the terrain contours with adjustable contour threshold to realistically simulate both highways passing through undulated areas and mountain roads following the original terrain shape.
Online Video Tutorials & Training. I've been out of college for about two years, Lynda. Taking the foundational courses in marketing has helped me launch my career. A Unity C# scripting tutorial in which you will create. Curves and Splines, making your own path. We can use Tools.pivotRotation to determine the current mode.
Add / Insert / Remove markers at any stage of the development process. Tilting / banking in curves.
Add bridges, sidewalks. Closed roads ideal for race tracks. Support for unlimited number of side objects like guard rails, barriers per road object. TERRAIN.
Support for multiple Unity terrain objects. Adjust the Unity terrain object shape to the road network. Add the shape of the road to the unity terrain splatmap. Remove tree prototypes at a definable distance from the roads. Remove detail prototypes at a definable distance from the roads. Optimized terrain updating for the selected road only to speed up the process during development and testing. Terrain Mesh supported, the roads will snap to the terrain.
The terrain shape will not adjust to the road shape. SCENE VIEW. Highlight roads clearly in undulated areas. Global and local grid snapping. Road Fly Overs directly in Scene View. Lock Road objects. Optionally only show the handles for the selected road for optimal user friendliness.
Fine tune side object start / end offsets UTILITIES. Side Object Manager. This essentially is a powerful tool by itself. Set up side objects based on your own assets: walls, fences, guard rails, tree lines, rock formations,. Auto generate roads from road data.
Road Path To Success Presentations
OSM and KML files are supported. Link EasyRoads3D road types to OSM road types. Crossings not yet automatically added. UV Editor for sidewalks, shape type of objects and custom crossing connections based on your own meshes. Main road - secondary road low poly crossing generator based on available road types. This will be integrated later in the dynamic crossing system in v3.x. EXPORT.
Export the full road network to.obj. Export individual roads to.obj. Export side objects to.obj. Save the road meshes as mesh assets in the assets folder (required for prefabs).