ESL fun Games and Activities online,Interactive fun games for ESL classrooms, game to help practice the conditionals, first, second and third conditionals. ESL Kids Resources for teachers and students. Free Interactive Online Grammar Games - First Conditional Matching Quiz. This game is good to revise and practise structures in the first conditional.
Teaching ESL Students Conditionals 'If it rains today, we won't have our picnic.' 'If I won the lottery, I would buy a new car.' These are examples of conditionals. They are also called 'if clauses.'
There are a few different types of conditionals in the English language, and they can get a little confusing for ESL students. This is because some of them are used in the present tense and some are used in past tense.
Conditionals explain the result of something that may or may not happen or something that might have happened but didn't. Conditional activities and exercises can be fun because you can be creative. It also helps to work on cause and effect skills. Matching First Conditionals First conditionals are an example of a conditional that most likely will happen. For example, 'If you add salt to food, it will taste saltier.' In this matching game, create 5-10 examples of first conditionals and put the first half of the conditional on one card and the second half on another card.
Mix the cards up. The object of the game is to put the conditionals together so that they make sense. Create a Conditional Chain Ask your students to create a large circle. The object of this game is to keep the chain going by using different examples of conditionals. Begin the game by providing an example of a conditional. For example, 'If I don't come to school everyday, I won't learn anything new.' The student next to me will then use the second part of my conditional to begin a new one.
For example, 'If I don't learn anything new, then I won't be able to get a job.' Continue the conditional chain around the circle and try to keep it going. This game is a great example of cause and effect. Pass the Bean Bag This activity requires some creativity. Ask your students to sit in a circle. Begin holding a bean bag and giving an example of the first part of a conditional, then pass the bean bag to another student of your choice. The student that you selected will have to finish the conditional.
Vocabulary Games
For example, 'If you go to bed with your socks on.' (pass the bean bag) 'You will wake up with warm feet.'
This activity can be used with any type of conditional. This activity will make your class laugh and have fun. Getting to Know You Using conditionals can help your students get to know more about each other. Give your students each a questionnaire asking them to fill in conditionals about themselves. For example, 'If you were stranded on a deserted island, you would need a.' Or 'If I am really thirsty, I reach for a.' After each student has filled out their questionnaire, break up your class into partners.
Ask each student to fill in the conditional about their partner. For each correct answer, they will earn a point for their team. The team with the most points wins. Writing Prompts A more advanced way to practice using conditionals is by using creative writing prompts. Conditionals sometimes focus on things that could happen but probably won't. An example of a conditionals writing prompt would be, 'If I had a million dollars, I would.,' and the student would finish the sentence.
Depending on the level of the student, they could add more details or specifics to their writing or add an illustration. Lesson Overview Teaching conditionals can be fun and engaging for your students. These games and activities will not only inspire creativity and help your students get to know more about each other but it will also provide opportunities to use language. When your students learn to use conditionals, they will open another door of communication into the world around them.
When we get back from a relaxing holiday (Easter in this case) it is difficult to just drop everything and go back to routine, back to work, back to studying English without feeling a bit down. Now, I shouldn’t say this but I’m going to say it anyway. I don’t care if you feel down at work, but not in my classes. Listen, dear students, the course is almost finished and I want you in high spirits and highly motivated!!! You might think learning, let alone studying Conditional sentences is boring.
Nothing further from the truth. It can be fun, too! Let’s try these activities to get your first conditionals rolling!! The best about these activities is that they require no preparation, something very much appreciated when we, teachers, are already busy writing exams.
First Conditional Math Games
THREE NO-PREP NICE ACTIVITIES 1.SITUATIONS ♥ Situation 1. Tell students they are all 18 (I can almost hear their giggles) and that you are their mother/father (more giggles). They have a very important date with the girl/boy of their dreams and they really want to impress their date; for this reason, they need to borrow your beautiful back sports car, which you are reluctant to lend as the student has just got his driving licence. They’ll need to convince you to lend them your car. You’ll lend the car to only one student, provided he offers something good in return.
Be prepared for a big round of promises, of which you’ll need to choose the one you like best. “Mommy:), if you lend me your car, I’ll do the washing up for two months”.
“Mommy, if you lend me your car, I’ll wash your car every week for a year.” ♥ Situation 2. Tell students they are all 12 ( this time they are roaring with laughter- remember I teach adults) and that you, as their teacher, are really disappointed with their behaviour in class.
Tell students you have no other option but to inform their parents. On the other hand, students do not want their parents to get upset, especially because there is a great party this weekend and they don’t want to be grounded.
They need to convince you not to phone their parents. “Teacher, if you do not tell my parents, I will do my homework every day” “Teacher, if you do not phone my father, I’ll sit still during the rest of the term” 2. MURPHY’S LAW. Ask students if they have ever heard about Murphy’s Law. Explain that Murphy’s Law states that if something bad can happen, it’ll happen.
Elicit an example of Murphy’s Law. Example: what happens if you are in a supermarket waiting to pay and you change queues?
The queue you were in before will move faster. Divide the class into two groups and ask the group to write five sentences using the first conditional in the humorous context of Murphy’s Laws. Allow 5 minutes for this step. Groups take it in turns to read the beginning of their sentences Ex “If I don’t take an umbrella,.”. The other group has to guess the words to complete the sentence (they have two opportunities). If they do, they score one point.
You, as a teacher, can also take part in the game reading your own sentences and asking both groups to try to guess the ending and so getting more points for their team. ELECTION TIME I don’t know about other countries but here in Spain, elections are a month away and candidates for the different political parties are busy making promises. Divide the students in groups of three or four students and ask them to write their election promises using the First Conditional in sentences such as If I am president, I will If you vote for my party, we will A spokesperson for each of the groups is asked to stand up and read their promises to the rest of the groups.
The audience is encouraged to ask questions to the candidates or challenge them by asking questions such as. Yes, but what will happen if.? When all the promises are heard, they will need to vote for a candidate which will be different from their own.
Learn English and Have Fun!