FFmpeg 3.0.10 'Einstein' 3.0.10 was released on 2017-12-01. It is the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 3.0 release branch, which was cut from master on 2016-02-14. It includes the following library versions: libavutil 55. 17.103 libavcodec 57. 24.102 libavformat 57. 25.100 libavdevice 57.
Doesn't look like the problem is with ffmpeg. The warning is about the use of the dl function. Multi-threaded PHP does not support dynamic loading of any PHP extension, so you'll need to make sure the.dll file for it is placed wherever the rest of your php modules live. What you really need to figure out is why the extension doesn't load despite the fact you've got the 'extension=phpffmpeg.dll' directive in your php.ini.
Usually you can see any startup errors in your apache error log (such as PHP saying it can't load a library). Also, have you taken a look at a phpinfo and verified ffmpeg isn't present (shouldn't be since the extensionloaded returns false), but perhaps it's there under a different name (you could also use getloadedextensions I suppose). MirKo is correct but i'll like to add that after.
Install Windows 7
Download compiled dlls from here:. Extract and put phpffmpeg.dll to you php ext folder. Put the rest of dlls to you windows/system32 folder. Restart apache and run phpinfo - you should see the ffmpeg extension (btw you have to check php not apache error log if you are looking for errors wamp-php-php error log) there is another step. Open php.ini file and find; extension=msql.dll add after it extension=phpffmpeg.dll.