AEC/Civil/Survey DWG Compatibles Introduction MapWorks is Civil/Survey Mapping & GIS software for AutoCAD, BricsCAD, IntelliCAD and ZWCAD. It is a modular system covering the major areas of alignments, design, geotech, parcels, points, sections, surfaces, and more. Easy Installation: The install program adds the application so that it is automatically loaded with your CAD application. Add MapWorks functionality to third party software and custom menus without problems. Control the application with your choice of command line entry, pulldown menu, or ribbon interface. Compatible With: 2010-2012 2013-2014 2015-2018 v15 Pro or Higher 8.3 or Higher Base Extended Data Draw: Draw geometry (hatches, mtext, inserts) based on values in extended data.
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Manager: Allows xdata management operations across a selection set of objects. Edit: Edits the MapWorks extended entity data on a single object. Dockable palette automatically shows extended data when one object is selected. Linear Figures Introduction: The term figure is used to describe many different linear object types.
The tools are primarily designed to manipulate polylines but most work equally well with 3DPoly, LW/2DPoly, Spline and even Line and Arc objects. Audit: Audits a selection set of figures for problems such as self intersection, etc. Break: Breaks a selection set of figures at specified distances, elevations, vertices, etc. Clockwise: Set the direction of a selection set of figures to Clockwise or Counterclockwise. Close: Closes a selection set of figures by standard close or building close (adding the back corner). Connect: Automatically connect points to form new figures. Specify description matches (like EP,BC,TC) to form multiples in a single process.
Convert: Converts a selection set of figures to a designated type (such 2dPolylines with arcs, 3dPolylines, Splines, etc). Densify: Densify figures by specifying distance along segments. Converts lines/arcs to polylines. Fillet3d: Fillets a selection set of figures with corner rounding options. Elevations: Raise, lower or flatten a selection set of figures. Grade: Applies grading to any portion of a 3D figure, adjusts elevations based on various parameters such as elevations entered, grade, plane, or projection method.
Label: When toggled on, displays tics & elevations at vertices, slopes and distance along segments. Aids all built-in editing by showing changes from any tool used. High/Low points are marked with suffixes like 123.45 HP and downhill is marked with arrows. Mark: Place a temporary marker at the centroid, common points, elevations, origin, or vertices of figures. Offsets: Linked: Multiple horizontal and vertical offsets created and linked to a figure. If the figure changes by any operation (such as grip editing) the offsets are updated as well.

Standard: Unlinked offsets of multiple figures using horz/vert distance, flow direction. Origin: Changes the origin point of a selected closed figure.
Output: Output the name, northing, easting, elevation and radius values of a selection set to various targets (Excel, Word, files). Points: Reports points (number, coordinates, distance, offset) along figures within tolerances. Project: Project from a figure on a specified slope intersecting a surface. Simply move around the figure picking points to generate 3dPolylines.
Remove: Convert arcs to multi-chord approximations in a selections set. Report: Displays coordinates, direction/distance and curve details along with summary information. Scale: Tools to scale figures to specified area, length, etc. Select: Build a selection set of figures by area, length, elevation range and other parameters. Segment: Adjust: Adjusts one end of a figure segment to a specified slope distance, specified elevation, or intersection of a selected surface.
Reverse: Reverses all segments of a selection set of figures. Straighten: Straightens segments between two picked points (by removing intermediate vertices). Snap: Snaps the vertices of a selection set of figures to nearby CogoPoint locations (with specified horz distance tolerance). Subdivide: Subdivides a four point figure, useful in PLSS systems.
Tags: Unique method to edit figure vertex elevations by changing temporary text tags. Traverse: Quickly draw figures primarily by distances using numerous angle options. Very useful for house perimeters. Weed: Weed (remove) unnecessary vertices in a selection set of figures. Image Process Symbols: Go straight from your GPS enabled camera to CAD!
Locates symbols representing GPS Photos (with EXIF data) directly from images. Creates a hyperlink to the image, projects to drawing system, rotates to view (if bearing data exists), and more. TMS Images: Builds insertable images from TMS (Tile Map Service) servers. Produce plan view maps, satellite imagery or terrain images. Link Inspect: Shows linked images in a resizable preview window as you move the crosshair over objects (such as polyline house outlines) containing links. GPS Update: Select inserts with hyperlinks and updates the GPS Exif (geotagging information) in source images.
Adds GPS properties to images that never had geotag information. World: Inserts multiple TIF/JPG/PNG/SID images based on world files or creates a World TFW/JGW/PGW/SDW file from a selected image (even rotated). Drawing Projections Systems: Includes support for all major systems, including LL27, LL84, NAD27, NAD83, HARN, etc. Optionally zoom to system extents, turn on GEOMARKERVISIBILITY, and set the drawing units (feet/meters) to match the selected system. Alt Coords: A system allowing entry and labeling of a second system. For example if your current drawing is in state plane, you can easily enter values in lat/long or place updatable labels displaying the alternate system. You can even copy the labels and the alternate coordinates update on demand.
Set System: Sets the system code for the alternate coordinate system. Label Add: Add an alternative coordinate label at multiple pick points. Label Update: Update a selection set of alternative coordinate labels (after copy or move). Coord Entry: Enter an alternate coordinate any time CAD is prompting for a point using the transparent 'GAC command. Block Place: Place inserts into the drawing at projected locations from files containing lat/long values. Additional fields in the file are mapped to block attributes.
Convert Lat/Long: Reads lat/long text files (DD/DMS), projects to designated coordinate system and writes to point file. Coord Entry: Enter or pick coordinates which are projected and listed.
Convert between any two systems, even data shifts of NAD27 NAD83. DMS DD: Convert numeric values between degrees, minutes and seconds to degree decimal. Allows for quick copying to the clipboard or pasting into the CAD engines command prompt. Drawing Harvest: Harvests multiple drawing extents and properties (DWGPROPS), creates output drawings or reports. Export to Google Earth (KML) with preview thumbnail or web ready reports (HTM) and more. Excel Parse: Projects coordinates in an Excel spreadsheet and writes the projected values to adjacent columns.
GNIS Query: Uses the internet to query the Geographic Names Information System with plotting options. Google Maps: Various tools for Google Maps (in browser) such as display points, directions (two pick points), streetview. GPS Track: Real time GPS tracking with marker and track data collection, voice guidance, alignment and surface information. Inverse: Geodetic Inverse, reports planar and spherical (haversine) bearing and distance. Open Street Maps: Import: Imports OpenStreetMap geometry by simply windowing an area inside the drawing. Set View: Displays OpenStreetMap in your browser with the current drawings viewport. Set System: Sets the coordinate system for current drawing.
This information is saved inside the drawing. Slippy Tiles: Draws polyline rectangles showing the extents of TMS slippy tiles at a specified zoom level. Tracker: Tracks the coordinates of the CAD cursor in multiple coordinate systems.
Optionally outputs coordinates on ID command ending. Transform: Projects a selection set of geometry from one coordinate system to another in the current drawing. Web Image: Builds insertable images from web sources such as TMS (Tile Map Service) and WMS (Web Map Service) servers. In TMS mode you can produce plan view maps, satellite imagery or terrain images. In WMS mode you can specify any server, get its capabilities and generate an image of a specified pixel size from selected layers. Other Tools Block: Scale/Rotate: Processes a selection set at their insertion points.
Attr Flip/Move: Great for maintaining readability on labels. Elevate by Attr: Sets the elevation of inserts by the value of one of its attributes.
Curves: Calculator: Dialog based tool to calculate all curve parameters based on two known values. Complement: Generates the complement for a selected arc.
Controlled Fit: Generates a fit arc or circles through multiple points. Toggle or control weights with interactive feedback of the curve results. Pnt, Pnt, Pnt: Draws an arc object though three picked points in any direction.
Pnt, Tan, Tan: Draws an arc through a point with two selected tangent segments. Quick Fit: Draws a fit arc through multiple picked points along path. Rad, Pnt, Pnt: Generates an arc object from known endpoints and radius. Radius, Direction: Generates an arc object based on known Radius, Direction In/Out. Tangent: Draws a tangent arc from the endpoint of a selected line/polyline segment. Draw: Map Grid: Draws a map grid with optional lines/tics and labels. Network Buffer: Creates buffer polylines around line network.
Point File: Draws the contents of an X,Y,Z ascii file as points. Polyline Midway: Generates a polyline midway between two selected polylines. Slope Lines: Draws three dimensional slope lines between two linear objects with optional slope arrows. Traverse: Draw polylines by distances and numerous angle options. Elevate: Pick Object: Quick change elevation by selecting objects with proper elevation. Labels: Coordinate: Labels coordinates at picked points with user customizable block. Values update on regen if moved/copied, etc.
Curve 1 Pick: Labels a curve at picked point on arc/polyarc segments. Curve 3 Points: Labels curve data based on any three picked points. Dir/Dist 1 Pick: Labels direction/distance with one pick on linear segment. Dir/Dist 2 Points: Labels direction & distance with two endpoint picks. Linear Objects: Labels direction/distance, curve parameters and area (if closed) on a selection set. Polyline Data: Labels area/perimeter data on a selection set of closed polylines.
Line: Best Fit: Creates a best fit line (using Linear Regression) through multiple points. Tangent: Draws a tangent line from the endpoint of a selected arc/polyarc segment.
Linetypes: Quickly create symbolic linetypes (arrows, bullets, numbers, shapes, etc) or text based linetypes based on characters you enter. Map Export: Export drawing geometry to several formats.
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Autodesk Breakline File (.flt). Carlson SurvCADD Polyline File (.pln). ESRI Generate Polyline File (.gen).
ESRI Shape File (.shp). Golden Software Blanking/Boundary (.bln). GeoJSON Open Standard (.geojson). GPS Exchange Format (.gpx). MapInfo Data Interchange Format (.mif/mid). Moss/MX Genio String Files (.mos).
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