Los atajos de teclado en Excel son ampliamente utilizados porque ayudan a los usuarios a mejorar su productividad. Evitando levantar continuamente la mano para. ATAJOS EXCEL 2010 1 Teclas para moverse en una hoja de trabajo o un libro de trabajo 1.1 Teclas para moverse en una hoja o libro de trabajo Moverse una celda arriba. Lista de Comandos del Teclado para Microsoft Office Excel Office 2003 Office 2007 Office..
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El primer metodo agregara la Programa de Asistencia Tecnologica de Puerto Rico. Instituto Filius. Administracion Central.
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100 ATAJOS DE TECLADO. (En la mayoria de casos en lugar de la tecla “MAYUS” deberas utilizar la tecla “SHIFT”). Aplica el formato Moneda con dos decimales (los numeros negativos aparecen entre parentesis).
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Splines, American National Standards Institute.? SAE Straight Tooth Splines ANSI B92.1 - Download as Excel Spreadsheet (.xls), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. 1 Jul 1996 ANSI B92.1-1996. Involute Splines and Inspection, Inch Version. Standard by American National Standards Institute,. View all product details.
This item is not available for sale. ANSI B92.1b-1996 Addendum to ANSI B92.1-1970. Section Title.
Spline Terms and Definitions. Sample Problem. LIST OF IllUSTRATIONS. Figure Title.
Tooth thickness, space width, and minimum effective Splines - ANSI B92.1 Tables.pdf - Download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online. ANSI B92.1 These splines or multiple keys are similar in form to internal and external involute gears. In general manufacturing external splines is facilitated either by hobbing, rolling, or on a gear shaper, and internal splines either by broaching or on a gear shaper. Calculation Base. WN4 software calculates dimensions, tolerances, measurement and stresses for SAE Involute Splines according to ANSI B92.1 and ANSI B92.1b. WN4 uses imperial units; metric units are supported as well. The program was designed to calculate spline fit types 'Flat Root Side Fit' and 'Fillet Root Side.
Joliet, IL 60432 phone 800.876.7216 fax 815.723.9207. 1 info@omnigear.us 0 Monday-Friday 7a-4.30p 0 Saturday 7a-12p. ANSI B92.1 – 1970INTERCHANGABILITY. Splines made to ANSI B92-1-1970 will generally be interchange with spline made to older standards. However the exceptions are listed below: Spline m y.
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Als eines der neun Teilgebirge der Berchtesgadener Alpen gehort das Steinerne Meer teils zu Bayern, teils zu Salzburg. Seine gro?ten Hohen erreicht es in seinen sudlichen Randgipfeln (Selbhorn PDF Broschure Steinernes Lies mehr uber Lech, Shell, Georg, Schnell, Ammoniten und Coral. Der gro?te der neun Gebirgsstocke der Berchtesgadener Alpen wirkt je nach Aussichtspunkt wie ein zu Stein gewordenes Meer mit wogenden (steinernen) Wellen – daher auch der Name. Das Steinerne Meer ist ein beliebtes Ziel fur den bergerfahrenen. Durch die vielen Hutten und die sie verbindenden.
Das steinerne Meer. The „Sea of Stone“ b. Tauchen Sie ein in das versteinerte Meer aus.
Korallen, Muscheln, Turmschnecken. Ammoniten, Nautiliden und Belemniten! 200 Millionen Jahre alte Fossilien zum Betrachten und. Die Berge im Lechquellgebiet bestehen aus ver- schiedenen Kalkgesteinen, die das Steinerne Meer durch dieses Schutzgebiet. Ihm folgte 1921 das.
Naturschutzgebiet Konigssee, aus dem schlie?lich 1978 der Natio nalpark hervorging. Seit 1984 schlie?t sich auf Salzburger Seite ebenfalls ein Naturschutzgebiet an. Ein erheblicher Teil davon ist als kunftiger Nationalpark ausersehen. Naturgegebene javascript:void(0),. Download Que es botulismo pdf: Read Online Que es botulismo pdf: botulismo miel botulismo wikipedia botulismo significado botulismo definicion botulismo que es botulismo tratamiento botulismo sintomas botulismo causas 12 May 2017 El botulismo es una enfermedad infrecuente, potencialmente mortal, resultante de la accion de una neurotoxina (toxina que ataca a las neuronas) elaborada por la bacteria Clostridium botulinum. La neurotoxina botulinica es uno de los venenos mas letales que conocimos.
En este articulo vamos a INDICE. El agente: Clostridium botulinum. 12 a) Ubicacion sistematica.
12 b) Caracteristicas morfologicas y biologicas. 13 c) Toxina botulinica. 13 d) Especies de Clostridium productores de neurotoxina botulinica 14 e) Prevalencia de Clostridium botulinum en suelos. A doenca inicialmente envolve os nervos cranianos e segue uma progressao caudal, atingindo os membros. Ocorre principalmente em virtude da ingestao da toxina pre-formada em alimentos inadequadamente preparados, mas tambem pode se apresentar de outras formas, como o botulismo a partir de feridas, se a Importancia. El botulismo es causado por toxinas botulinicas, neurotoxinas producidas por.
Clostridium botulinum y otras pocas especies de Clostridium. Al unirse a las terminaciones nerviosas, estas toxinas causan paralisis flaccida progresiva en humanos y animales. Muchos de los casos no tratados son letales debido a Cereser et al.
Ciencia Rural, v.38, n.1, jan-fev, 2008. Ciencia Rural, Santa Maria, v.38, n.1, p.280-287, jan-fev, 2008. ISSN 0103-8478. O botulismo alimentar ocorre pela ingestao de toxinas pre-formadas pelo Clostridium botulinum, consideradas as mais potentes dentre as toxinas conhecidas. Clostridium botulinum es una bacteria que en entornos pobres en oxigeno produce toxinas peligrosas (toxinas botulinicas), es una de las sustancias mas mortales que se conocen. La toxina botulinica bloquea funciones nerviosas y puede producir paralisis respiratoria y muscular.
El botulismo humano, provocado por la INTRODUCCION: Existen tres formas clinicas de botulismo: la forma clasica o botulismo alimentario; la reconocida como diferente entidad clinica de botulismo del lactante; y la de botulismo por heridas. Todas las formas clinicas de botulismo se consideraran de notificacion obligatoria y urgente.
El botulismo por alimentos cas y Tecnicas. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Nacional del. Nordeste, Argentina. Quimica Organica y.
Biologica 2002. 14.- Brook I. Infant botulism. J Perinatol 2007.
15.- Cordova G, Rodriguez J. Caso clinico: botulismo infantil. Escuela.med.puc.cl/ publ/boletin/20051/articulo8.pdf. El botulismo es un cuadro neurologico causado por la toxina del Clostridium botulinum. Este germen es un bacilo grampositivo anaerobio esporulado que se encuentra en el suelo y en el agua de todo el mundo. Tiene siete neurotoxinas, pero las responsables del cuadro clinico en la mayoria de los casos Asociacion Espanola de Toxicologia. Perez Perez, H.; Rubio, C.; Pozuelo, MR; Revert, C.; Hardisson, A.
Botulismo y toxina botulinica. Revista de Toxicologia, vol. Asociacion Espanola de Toxicologia. Pamplona, Espana. Disponible en:.,. Download Vacuum pump sizing pdf: Read Online Vacuum pump sizing pdf: vacuum pump capacity measurement vacuum pump calculation xls how to calculate vacuum flow rate vacuum pump power calculation vacuum pump suction capacity calculation what size vacuum pump do i need vacuum pump sizing calculator water ring vacuum pump capacity calculation wide array of vacuum pumps and aftermarket services to of Vacuum.
Technology revised and compiled. Walter Umrath with contributions from.
Hermann Adam †, Alfred Bolz, Hermann Boy. Heinz Dohmen, Karl Gogol, Dr.
Wolfgang the size of a gas leak, i.e. Movement through undesired passages or “pipe”.
Pressor/vacuum pump systems. Section VII includes some representative prob- lem/solution applications. The appendix summarizes gas laws and related data. It also includes tables giving data on pressure loss due to friction, pipe bends and components, and on air flow through various-size orifices.
A glossary appears at Displacement vacuum pumps. Kinetic vacuum pumps. These function according to the venturi principle, i.e. Difference with respect to suction capacity = leak rate. Determining the correct ejector size. – Intersection of the leak rate (now known) with the curves of other ejectors. – Determine the attainable vacuum.
As the impeller of the vacuum pump rotates, it throws water by centrifugal force to form a liquid ring concentric with the periph- ery of the casing which does the work of compression. The eccentric mounting of the impeller with respect to the casing results in increased spacing between the impeller blades at the inlet port and Kinney® A Series. Single Stage Design. Capacity: 5 – 300 CFM (8.5 – 510 M3/Hr). Maximum Vacuum: 28.3'Hg (40 Torr).
Vacuum System with. Vacuum Boosters. Capacity: 250 – 6000 CFM. (425 M3/Hr – 10200 M3/Hr). Maximum Vacuum: 29.91'Hg (0.1 Torr). Liquid Ring Vacuum Pumps HOW TO SELECT & SIZE YOUR PUMP. Air-Vac designs and manufactures a broad range of both Single Stage and Multistage air operated vacuum pumps because one style of pump is not always suited for every application.
With a wide variety of choices. TD or AV Configurations.
Single Stage or Multistage. High Single or two stage pump?
The general rule is that for pressures between 200 to 1000 mbara range, a single stage pump is adequate. For pressures between 33 – 200 mbara, a two stage pump is recommended.?? What choice of seal liquid? The vapour pressure limitations of the sealing liquid is an important impellers, Roots vacuum pumps are able to run at higher speeds. Thus a high pumping speed is obtained with a relatively small size pump. Pumping speeds in excess of 1000 m3/h.
(589 cfm) can only be attained with. Roots vacuum pumps. When selecting the right kind of backing pump (sizing) it will be possible to pump Liquid Ring& RotaryVane Vacuum Pum psand System s. VACUUM PUMP SIZING. The main function of a vacuum pump is to either handle air leakage and/or non-condensables from the process, or to evacuate a chamber from atmospheric pressures to a certain vacuum level. Often the air or non-condensable will be Sizing Vacuum Pumps. Pumping speed, or capacity, is measured in terms of gas volume drawn in a length of time.
Cubic Feet per Minute (cfm) or Cubic Meters per Hour (m3/h) are the two standard measurements. The number corresponds to the volume of the suction chamber multiplied by the pump revolutions in the time,. Download L allaitement maternel pdf: Read Online L allaitement maternel pdf: allaitement maternel tire lait allaitement mixte pdf allaitement maternel conseils l'allaitement maternel en 36 questions allaitement maternel alimentation allaitement maternel definition allaitement maternel combien de temps allaitement maternel ppt 3.
LA MOTIVATION. QUELS SONT LES AVANTAGES INHERENTS A L'ALLAITEMENT MATERNEL? Avantages pour le nouveau-ne. L'allaitement maternel est tout a fait adapte aux besoins du nourrisson. La composition du lait maternel varie tout au long de l'allaitement et au fur et a mesure de l'evolution de votre enfant. LES AVANTAGES de l'allaitement maternel pour le bebe, les parents, la mere et la societe.
L'ALIMENT PAR EXCELLENCE. Contribue a la prevention du syndrome de mort subite du nourrisson.
Protege contre les otites, les gastro-enterites, la diarrhee, les infections des voies respiratoires et la meningite. Physiologie de la lactation. Composition du lait maternel. Les avantages du lait maternel.
Les problemes pratiques. Les incidents de l'allaitement.
Les contre-indications de l'allaitement maternel. L'allaitement mixte. Les positions de l'allaitement. L'alimentation de la mere allaitante. En complement des carnets de maternite et de sante, l'equipe de la PMI a elabore en concertation avec divers partenaires ce livret sur l'allaitement maternel, destine a accompagner les parents et futurs parents et a aider les meres dans leur choix d'allaiter au sein. Nous vous souhaitons ainsi un plein epanouissement.
Chez votre enfant, l'allaitement va aider a reduire les risques:. d'obesite. de diabete de type 1; Regardez une video sur l'allaitement maternel et sur les premiers jours avec votre bebe vimeo.com/64900366 (en anglais. L'allaitement maternel et l' Allaitement maternel – Mise en?uvre et poursuite dans les 6 premiers mois de vie de l'enfant. ANAES / Service recommandations et references professionnelles / mai 2002. Pour recevoir la liste des publications de l'ANAES, il vous suffit d'envoyer vos coordonnees a l'adresse ci-dessous ou consulter notre site: http Il est important que la maman entende pendant sa grossesse puis tout au long de son allaitement, un discours coherent et adapte a sa situation de la part des professionnels qui l'accompagnent. Une formation actualisee en allaitement maternel confere a ceux-ci une coherence dans les conseils donnes et influe positive.
De maltraitance d'origine mater- nelle (risque x 2,6 en l'absence d'allaitement). L'allaitement maternel a un effet favorable sur le developpement cognitif de l'enfant. Il permet a l'enfant de decouvrir des saveurs differentes grace aux variations de gouts du lait maternel selon l'alimentation de la mere. L'allaitement stimule la Apprendre a allaiter. Les positions d'allaitement. Aider votre bebe a bien prendre le sein.
Determiner si bebe prend bien le sein. Les signes d'un allaitement reussi. La compression du sein. Mon bebe boit-il suffisamment? Exprimer et conserver le lait maternel. Exprimer le lait maternel.
Vous attendez un bebe et vous aimeriez bien l'allaiter au sein. Ce guide a pour objectif de repondre aux questions que vous pouvez vous poser, de vous apporter des conseils pratiques, des adresses utiles, et de vous proposer un accompagnement dans la poursuite de l'allaitement maternel au jour le jour. Il a ete concu,. Download Contemporary japan and popular culture pdf files: Read Online Contemporary japan and popular culture pdf files: Nnncontemporary japan and popular culture pdf. Browse, Popular ntemporary japan, popular culture Culture Are Listed Below: PDF File., Read Contemporary nnncontemporary Japan Nowhere in the world is popular culture more influential than in om Hello Kitty, Pokemon to animeanimation), mangacomics the culture of most conspicuous feature of Japanese popular culture since World War II, this chapter will also introduce Restoration of 1868, when a new regime aspired to build Japan into a modern industrial society, the lifestyles.
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SUB: e-journal,. Download Mere christianity summary pdf writer: Read Online Mere christianity summary pdf writer: mere christianity chapter 2 summary mere christianity questions and answers mere christianity book 1 summary mere christianity pdf download mere christianity book 4 summary mere christianity book 2 summary mere christianity summary book 3 what is mere christianity about MERE CHRISTIANITY. Notes and Complete Outline of the The material was published in three separate parts as The Case for Christianity (1943), Christian Behaviour (1943), and Beyond. The things inside each individual. ' Third, the general purpose of human life, what we are made for, what the inventor/creator wants Mere Christianity.
Contents: Book Cover (Front) (Back). Scan / Edit Notes. Right And Wrong As A Clue To The Meaning Of The Universe. The Pdf and Prc files are sent as single zips (and naturally don't have the file structure below).
So long as we write and talk about them we. It was this experience that helped him to understand not only apathy but active unwillingness to accept religion, and, as a Christian writer, gifted with an exceptionally brilliant and logical mind and a lucid, lively style, he was without peer. The Problem of Pain, The Screwtape Letters, Mere Christianity, The Four Loves and the 25 Oct 2017 (contains link to text PDF). CS Lewis and. Knowledge of mythology and linguistics, inspired him to write his most famous book.
Mere Christianity is a theological book by C. Lewis, adapted from a series of BBC radio talks made between 1941 and 1944, while Lewis was at Oxford during the Second World War. Considered a classic of Christian apologetics, the transcripts of the broadcasts originally appeared in print as three separate pamphlets: Get all the key plot points of C. Lewis's Mere Christianity on one page. Get the entire Mere Christianity LitChart as a printable PDF.
Lewis goes on to write that, by worshipping Christ, humans can transcend their mortal nature and experience the divine life of Christ himself; put another way, by worshipping Christ, they, and theology while also recognizing that some of his teachings go beyond the scope of mere Christianity. Lewis that reader may conclude that the writer shares his or her theological perspective.
Further reading,. Summary of Anglicanism (though Anglican influences on Lewis's work are evident), nor was it meant to. Introductory Study Guide for Mere Christianity. Created by: Liz Evershed, C.S. Lewis Foundation Intern 2000-01. Mere Christianity is possibly Lewis' most frequently read work, and was originally given as a. (19) “Christian writers seem to be so strict at one moment and so very free and easy at another.
27 Dec 2012 Sixty years ago, London publisher Geoffrey Bles first released a revision of four sets of radio talks by an Oxford literature don. The book was called Mere Christianity, and there was nothing 'mere' about it. A somewhat disjointed set of C. Lewis's views on a wide range of theological, philosophical, and Beyond Mere Christianity for two reasons. First, in response to C.S. I believe emphatically that this variety of direct worship is Islam, and that the authentic words of Jesus emphatically invite us to move beyond what is conventionally.
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His known works are now copyrighted and Apollo's Angels has 1323 ratings and 236 reviews. Maria said: The subtitle, A History of Ballet, says it clearly, and this is very probably the most d Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet. Beverly Haviland. Beverly Haviland. Search for other works by this author on: This Site Google. Common Knowledge (2014) 20 (2): 369-370.
Published: April 01 2014. Standard View; Views Icon. Article contents. Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet Paperback – November 29, 2011.
Lavishly illustrated and beautifully told, Apollo’s Angels—the first cultural history of ballet ever written—is a groundbreaking work. Jennifer Homans, a historian, critic, and former professional ballerina Apollo's Angels are volunteers for the following Facebook Cyprus re homing groups, we are support groups Apollo's Angels dogs have many health checks done ahead of travelling to the UK over and above what is required for the 2) Complete the document on your PC, save it and send it as an attachment. 3) Print it off Named for the god and angels whose unearthly images have been admired and remade in ballets for centuries, Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet, draws the reader into a rich and storied history of the cultural cornerstone of Western civilization. In her book, Jennifer Homans journeys deep into an international community to APOLLO'S ANGELS: A. HISTORY OF BALLET. Jennifer Homans.
Allen & Unwin, 608pp. Elevating the choreographer George Balanchine working with his dancers; the Russian ballerina Tatiana Riabouchinska inLe Coq D'Or; the Australian Ballet'sMr B! A Tribute to George Balanchine. The evolution of ballet 2 Nov 2010 NPR coverage of Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet by Jennifer Homans. News, author interviews, critics' picks and more. 23 Mar 2012 Apollo's Angels: A History of Ballet by Homans Jennifer.
New York: Random House. 643 pp., illustrations, index. $35.00 hard cover.
Mirrors & Scrims: The Life and Afterlife of Ballet by Siegel Marcia B. Middletown, CT: Wesleyan University Press. 398 pp., illustrations, index.
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O 25 de xullo de 1554 converteuse en rei de Inglaterra a traves do seu casamento con Maria I de Inglaterra. O proxecto de union persoal dos dous paises fallou pola morte de Durante el reinado de este, Felipe II se convirtio, como hijo de Isabel de Portugal, en candidato al trono portugues junto a Antonio, el Prior de Crato y nieto del rey portugues Manuel I, Catalina de Portugal y los duques de Saboya y Parma. Felipe recibio el apoyo de la nobleza y el alto clero y el Prior de Crato fue apoyado DE. EN EL ATENEO DE MADRID.
DON DANIEL LOPEZ. Secretario primero de la Seccion de Ciencias Historicas. MADRID tu de los tiempos, su reinado ofrece el espectaculo grandioso, pero triste, de una lucha. Fueron los dos sucesos mas desastrosos du su reinado.
Pero si no When modern journalists write about the origins of 2 As Robert de Balsac, a veteran of the Italian wars, famously put it: “success in war depends on having Felipe II y la Casa de Contratacion de Sevilla. Moneda y Credito 92:3-58. Ruiz Martin, Felipe. Las finanzas espanolas durante el reinado de Felipe II. Del reinado de los Reyes Catolicos: la primera traduccion se debe a Pedro Sabau y.
1 Sobre la vida y la obras de rey como Felipe II y escribir la historia de un reinado tan extenso y complejo como el suyo. A pesar de que los La tradujo Cayetano Rosell y la publico en Madrid el conocido editor. Francisco de Paula 1 Rivadavia Padilha Vieira Junior, Las varias caras de Felipe II: la expresion del poder politico en las imagenes de sus virreyes Resumo/ Abstract En el reinado de Felipe II (1556-1598), el movimiento de expansion de la Monarquia. Aristocracia de corte (Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2001). 33 Vease: Krista de Editor, eu Madrid.
T i P I T l X O. Asuntos interiores.—Muerte de Juan de Escobedo, secretario de don Juan de ocultarla. Otra cosa hubiera sido imposible para los que es- cribian en aquellos tiempos. Sobre este triste episodio del reinado de Felipe II, tenemos las La devocion esoterica del gran rey de la Cristiandad no conocia limites, al igual que sus posesiones. Titulo original: La cara oculta de Felipe II. Alquimia y magia en la Espana del. Imperio Juan Garcia Atienza, 1998.
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Ilustraciones: Patrimonio Nacional, planos cap. Diseno de cubierta: Joan Batalle Editor digital: RLull Felipe IV de Espana, llamado «el Grande» o «el Rey Planeta» (Valladolid, 8 de abril de 1605 - Madrid, 17 de septiembre de 1665), fue rey de Espana? Desde el 31 de marzo de 1621 hasta su muerte, y de Portugal desde la misma fecha hasta diciembre de 1640. Su reinado de 44 anos y 170 dias fue el mas largo de la Do you still have no idea with what you are going to write?
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Ionizacion por laser asistida por matriz (MALDI). Cidas manteniendose la misma especificidad antigenica. (el mismo idiotipo). Este proceso que se produce por clase I y II, que facilitan la presentacion de los pep- tidos virales. Favorecen la accion de los macrofa- presencia es imprescindible para la presentacion del antigeno. Solo los antigenos presentados por el.
9.5.1 Ensamblaje y estabilizacion de las moleculas MHC-I, y presentacion de peptidos procedentes de procesamiento citosolico (Ruta para antigenos endogenos). 9.5.2 Ensamblaje y estabilizacion de MHC-II, y presentacion de los peptidos procedentes de procesamiento endosomico (Ruta para los antigenos exogenos) Tema: Estructura y funcion de las moleculas del CMH. Procesamiento y presentacion de antigenos a los linfocitos T.
Instituto de Inmunologia. Facultad de Cs. Taller Disciplinario de. Inmunologia Vias de procesamiento y presentacion antigenica. Via endogena o Via biosintetica clasica. Via de cross-presentacion. Antigenos endocitados pueden ser presentados tambien asociados a moleculas de clase I.
Resumen de las vias de procesamiento y presentacion antigenica de antigenos proteicos Icon. Antigeno (pdf) 402.86 KB. Para que la respuesta adaptativa pueda mostrar todas sus caracteristicas de especificidad, memoria, diversidad y discriminacion entre los propio y ajeno, los antigenos deben ser procesados y presentados a las celulas del sistema inmunitario.
La presentacion del antigeno esta Procesamiento y presentacion Mecanismo de procesamiento y presentacion antigenica via. Peptidos citosolicos son procesados en el proteosoma (6 a 30 aa).? Transportados a la luz del RE por TAP1 y 2.? Expresa en la superficie Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2, 727-735 (September 2003). La PRESENTACION ANTIGENICA es el PUENTE entre la INMUNIDAD INNATA Y LAS REPUESTAS. ANTIGENO ESPECIFICAS mune innata inicia la defensa del organismo, dando tiempo a la respuesta adaptativa a montarse y dar una respuesta especifica.
El punto de union de la respuesta inmune lo re- presenta la presentacion de antigeno, donde la ce- lula presentadora procesa los antigenos y muestra una secuencia peptidica a los linfocitos,.