Journal of Religion & Society. Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible (hereafter, DDD). Deities and demons in the Bible. Dictionary of deities and demons in the bible Download Book Dictionary Of Deities And Demons In The Bible in PDF format. You can Read Online Dictionary Of Deities And.
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Van der Toorn ISBN: Genre: Religion File Size: 90. 8 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Download: 449 Read: 1054 'The Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible' is the single major work of reference on the gods, angels, demons, spirits and semi-divine heroes whose names occur in the biblical books. First published in 1995 and chosen by 'Choice' as Best Reference Work of 1996, it is now republished in a new extensively revised edition.
30 entries appear for the first time in the new edition, while more than 100 others have been brought up to date with the latest state of research. Arranged in the order of the Latin alphabet, the more than four-hundred names are those found in the books of the Hebrew and the Greek Bible, Old and New Testament, including the Apocrypha. There are entries on divine names recognized as such by the biblical authors; divine names in theophoric toponyms and anthroponyms; secular terms which occur as divine names in neighbouring civilizations, conjectural divine names, at times based on textual emendation, proposed by modern scholarship; and humans who acquired a semi-divine status in tradition. A typical entry contains a discussion of the pertinent name, its meaning, the religio-historical background, relevant biblical passages and an up-to-date bibliography. Owing to the comprehensive coverage of names and its religio-historical emphasis, the 'Dictionary of Deities and Demons' provides crucial information concerning the spiritual world in which the Peoples of the Book have lived.
Extensive indices and cross-references provide easy access to the rich information of the dictionary. The 'Dictionary of Deities and Demons' is the fruit of a common effort of a group of more than a hundred international scholars from a variety of traditions. Chosen for their specialcompetence, the contributors write about those deities or demons for which their research makes them eminently qualified. Acting as advisors are Hans Dieter Betz (Chicago), Andre Caquot (Paris), Jonas C. Greenfield (Jerusalem), Erik Hornung (Basel), Michael Stone (Jerusalem), and Manfred Weipert (Heidelberg).
A Brill-Eerdmans co-publication (0 8028 2491 9). Author: Joel B.
Green ISBN: 384 Genre: Religion File Size: 60. 65 MB Format: PDF, Kindle Download: 983 Read: 545 1993 ECPA Gold Medallion (Reference Text) 1993 Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award The 2014 ECPA Christian Book Award Winner (Bible Reference) 2014 Readers' Choice Award Winner Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference for 2014 (Gospels and Jesus) The second edition of the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels is a thoroughly reconstructed and revised version of the critically acclaimed 1992 first edition. Since that groundbreaking volume was published, a wave of Jesus and Gospel scholarship has crested and broken on the shores of a new century. Jesus has been proposed as sage, shaman, revolutionary, marginal Jew, Mediterranean peasant or a prophet of Israel's restoration. The non-canonical Gospels have been touted, examined and reassessed. There are revised understandings of historiography, orality, form criticism, empire and more.
The second edition of the DJG amply weighs and assess the gains and shortcomings of this new scholarship. Here is a self-contained reference library of information and perspective essential to exploring Jesus and the Gospels.
This volume bridges the gap between scholars and those pastors, teachers, students and interested readers who want thorough treatments of key topics in an accessible and summary format. Articles cover each Gospel, major themes in the Gospels, key episodes in the life of Jesus, significant background topics, as well as issues and methods of interpretation. Among other benefits, it allows multiple opportunities for each of the Gospels to be weighed and heard in its own voice.
Bibliographies are full and up to date, putting readers in touch with the best work in the field. All of this allows the articles to serve as launching pads for further research. When the first edition of the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels was published, it was immediately recognized as an innovative reference work. By taking a particular corpus of biblical books and exploring it with in-depth articles written by specialists in the field, it refashioned a staple reference genre. This dictionary model has now been applied to each segment of the biblical canon in successive volumes. Those who have enjoyed and benefitted from the wealth in the first edition will find the second edition an equally indispensable companion to study and research. Over ninety percent of the articles have been completely rewritten, and the rest thoroughly revised and updated.
Here is the doorway into a reliable and comprehensive summary and appraisal of the last twenty years of Jesus scholarship. A new generation of scholars has opened the way to make this a Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels for the twenty-first century.
Author: Manfred Lurker ISBN: 286 Genre: Religion File Size: 82. 91 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi Download: 940 Read: 331 Containing around 1,800 entries this Dictionary covers, in one volume, all the important deities and demons from around the world. The gods of ancient mythology appear alongside the gods of contemporary religion, and `lesser' mythologies and religions are also fully covered. The author provides an extensive network of cross-references, allowing the reader to draw cross-cultural comparisons. The Dictionary will be an invaluable source of information for anyone interested in comparative religion or the diversity of religious views throughout the world. Author: Sydney H.
Page ISBN: NWU:1217 Genre: Demonology File Size: 25. 50 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Download: 694 Read: 1174 Books on the demonic abound, but not until Sydney H.
The Jewish Quarterly Review
Page's Powers of Evil has there been such a comprehensive biblical analysis of Satan and demons. Powers of Evil offers an exposition of every biblical reference to the demonic and analyzes historic and modern views. Page interprets particular passages from which some Bible readers have leaped to false conclusions. Studies of Jesus' confrontations with demons and of the exorcisms recorded in the Gospels and Acts examine the interplay of power and authority and the implications for the believer's stand in Christ. Author: Karel Van der Toorn ISBN: 545 Genre: Religion File Size: 33.
37 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Download: 848 Read: 979 The scribes of ancient Israel are indeed the main figures behind the Hebrew Bible, and this book tells their story for the first time. Drawing comparisons with the scribal practices of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, van der Toorn details the methods, assumptions, and material means that gave rise to biblical texts. Traditionally seen as the copycats of antiquity, the scribes emerge here as the literate elite who held the key to the production and the transmission of texts. Author: Heiser, Michael S. ISBN: 593 Genre: Religion File Size: 41.
36 MB Format: PDF, Mobi Download: 459 Read: 495 Dr. Heiser presents fifteen years of research on what the Bible really says about the unseen world of the supernatural, unfiltered by tradition or by theological presuppositions. Who were the sons of God? Who were the Nephilim? Where do angels fit into the supernatural hierarchy? What relation does Jesus bear to the rest of the supernatural world? Heiser tackles these questions and many more as he shines a light on the ancient context of Scripture.
After reading this book, you may never read your Bible the same way again. In Supernatural, Heiser takes the core message from his recent best-seller, The Unseen Realm, and presents it for the person in the pew. He offers the same approach to reading and understanding Scripture, but without all the extra footnotes and supporting information needed for the scholarly treatment. “We can’t believe what we don’t understand.
In Supernatural, Michael Heiser helps us to do both. It may open your eyes to the scripture in a new way.” —John Ortberg, author of If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat.